Thursday, November 3, 2016

Iceland As First Best Place For Vacation

One of the Nordic countries in Northern Europe have become the safest place as a holiday destination, the newspaper version of Iceland has a population of under 400,000 people, with the people who are the happiest in the world.

In this country the traveler can visit the city of Reykjavik, one of the coldest cities in the world and also the most sparsely populated cities in Europe, which to truly get away from everything. In addition to witness the rare phenomenon of the Aurora Borealis, which can only be seen from several countries in the northern region alone.

Iceland is very close to the North Pole, which means it can enjoy the sun shines longer, where in summer the sun can shine for 20 hours. Obviously this will make the experience that will not be forgotten. But to visit this country you must provide a budget that spelled out a lot, because it is a country that is not friendly to tourists pockets.

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